RPM Autohaus, Gainesville VA


Taking another vehicle there for a pre-purchase inspection. Noticed they banner on their website stating "We now service Sprinters". Seems pretty intentional and their customer reviews are incredible. Seems worth checking out if you're in the area and looking.


2008 NCV3 2500
I’d give them a meh. Went to have a seized glow plug drilled out, they wanted to try other methods first (understandably). Tech cracked the glow plug in his attempt. Said the only way was to remove the cylinder at that point ($$$). Took it elsewhere (Cesar’s off of 606 in Sterling) and got it removed for much less $. Overall experience between the billing department & tech I spoke to was that they seemed to want to upsell.


2008 NCV3 2500
Thanks for this. I’m close to there, so would probably have tried them at some point.
No problem. This was back in November (?) but I figured if I was in my shoes back then I'd like to have read my review! My next trip will be all the way up to Sun Motors in PA (based on what I've read here) to fix P1451/P0234/P006C (likely EKAS/turbo actuator issues from user input here)

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