Server Error (search is down)


Since the software upgrade, I have noticed Im no longer able to search the forums, or even view these forums via the Tapatalk app.

Anyone help? Not been on here for a few months or more, I was marooned overseas in Brazil due to Covid 19


06 Tin Can
Since the software upgrade, I have noticed Im no longer able to search the forums, or even view these forums via the Tapatalk app.
Search has been running until this morning since the upgrade. Tapatalk is not implemented. Use the native mobile version.

Additional info: We have two types of search tools; mysql and elasticsearch.

The elasticsearch server is down or is refusing connections. I'm trying to get that restarted. In the meantime, I'm rebuilding the mysql (native) search. Using elasticsearch is better since it does not have the minimum search word length of 4 when using mysql.

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