Vince - you have posted in three related threads with different information in each. If you are asking for help, doesn't it make sense to provide all the information in one location so those who might have opinions can have the benefit of having all your information before them in one place?
I would note that your newly acquired fan must not have been compatible at least with regard to the connector. I also acquired a third party supplier fan that was Sprinter compatible, thus no problem with the connector. So buyer be aware.
Intermittent running due to worn brushes
Here's the link to the resistor, Bill:
I also found on one of my rebuilds DIYer error
My fan started acting up again. But it seemed to be a loose wire connector - as when I wiggled it the fan would start/stop. At first I thought bad seating, or corrosion. But after those ideas did not seem to work, I removed the fan. What I found is that in one of my previous working on the...