Mattress Recommendation


New member
Hey everyone,

I'm hoping to buy a mattress soon to span the width of a short wheel base. The platform is 70" x 54", so a foam full that can be cut or something that can be ordered to size is important. I'm also in Montana, so the Ikea option unfortunately isn't a possibility.

I've heard mixed things about foambymail, and have seen some decently priced mattresses on amazon with very mixed reviews. We're not going to be sleeping full time - more of a weekender rig with the occasional week or two on the road.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated! A firm mattress is definitely preferable.



Foam Ikea mattresses are rolled and wrapped in a very compressed state so they are less than half the volume of an unpacked one. If you have a friend in a town with an Ikea, maybe they can buy a mattress for you and ship it to you.

We have the thinnest (4") Ikea mattress in our van and we love it.


Active member
I bought the Amazon "best price mattress" brand. It's a 6" full size memory foam which is plenty thick. Was $110 when i bought it. Comes packaged the size of a large duffel bag. Will definitely meet your firm requirement. Memory foam will easily squish a few inches in either direction without cutting.



I bought this one. I wanted one that would fold up for storage when not in use. It’s firm and pretty comfortable. I have a memory foam mattress at home which is pretty soft, so it turns out that it takes me a night or two to get used to sleeping on this one since it’s quite a bit firmer than my bed at home. If folding up for storage wasn’t a requirement, I would prefer to spend a bit more money on a memory foam one. Also, I wasn’t willing to have a mattress thicker than 4” as it would eat into the headroom above my van bed..



Goofy foot

sliding left...
I bought a twin mattress from Costco, slit open the fabric cover on one end, rolled it back over the mattress, cut the upper and lower frame rings back about 8 inches from the corners, cut off the box springs back to the desired distance as well as the upper lower frame rings, then slid the two(upper , lower) frame rings from the end back down to the cut frame rings and tie-wired them back together. gorilla tped these joints, tie-wired the box springs back to the frame ring, rolled the fabric/foam back over the new bed end, trimmed to fit and Gorilla taped the fabric back onto the new bed end. 80" mattress converted to 68". I like a full box spring mattress. Also have 1 1/2" polyiso under mattress to prevent condensation.


2018 Unity CB
I have experience with an outfit that used to be called Tempur Marine & RV. They can produce just about anything you can imagine. They changed their name several years ago, but it is still the same great folks. Check them out.


Active member
I used this folding mattress (full):

It folds up. Not that I need that since my bed is fixed. The draw is that the cover zips off so it can be washed. It pretty firm which I like.

I topped it with (1.5" thick):

The whole thing sits on a bed of this:

The Froli springs gives like a real box spring. It also has the benefit of keeping the mattress off the platform to help with air flow and prevent mold.


Buy any foam mattress from Amazon and cut to size with an electric bread knife. Works very well- I was able to fit a CalKing custom mattress in my LWB


Well-known member
Ever consider a blow up mattress? There are ones that come with a compressor and are surprisingly not bad at all. We use them as guest beds and we bring one along when we visit our daughter.

Some people like memory foam - I don't - too hot and I don't like sinking in.

A blow up air mattress can be as firm or soft as you like.
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A few years ago we were in Utah late January early February. Camping at Zion at 10*f the heater did well but we got up to Bryce with a forecast of -13 we got a hotel. We had left our memory foam pillows in the van. The next morning as we were getting ready to head out I went to move a pillow discovering they had froze. Not hard as a rock but pretty close. We had to buy new pillows because it took a few days to get them soft enough to use. This makes me question memory foam mattresses. We have 4" foam mattress I bought at a foam store


A man, a van, no plan
I got my mattress custom cut and delivered from foam by mail. I am extremely happy with it. They sent me a couple free samples of material to see what they feel like before committing to my purchase.

I got 5" thick high density foam roughly queen sized but with a custom corner cut out. Nice and firm, I sleep very well in it.


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Active member
Ever consider a blow up mattress? There are ones that come with a compressor and are surprisingly not bad at all. We use them as guest beds and we bring one along when we visit our daughter.

Blow-up can be a PITA when altitude varies. Forget to let air out before ascending and you may be buying a new one. DAMHIKT. Replace a couple of times and you've bought a decent stable mattress.


Well-known member
I have the IKEA Malfors - fits perfectly between the wheel arches and is foam so can easily be cut to length.

Surprisingly comfortable given how thin it is and how that's not especially true for me!

I wend with the firm option, but the softer one is also very comfortable. There's not a huge difference between them actually.

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