Rlly? I thought ppl smarten up a bit, haha. This van has such a hype in the US is almost ridiculous.
They are probably worth more in places like CA, OR, WA, UT and Colorado.
Places in the midwest and south maybe not so much.
I had several Vanagon Westfailures, including 2 that I immediately swapped the dangerously underpowered diesel to 1.8L fi rabbit / golf engines. Good torque and Bombproof!
They are (or were) an ideal surfer / skier/ weekend getaway van if one can keep them running.
Though I had two 90’s, I always wanted a ‘90 Synchro to convert to the S. African 2.2 L golf engine set up and build up like the pic below.
I‘ve made unsolicited offers to buy on Synchros I’ve seen around. People that own synchros don’t seem to sell them until they are either to old to enjoy them, get tired of replacing the gawdawful wasserboxer engines, or can’t bear to see it rust away any longer. Suburu swap is loved by many as well, which is what the van below is equipped with.