Vacuum Solenoid Repair


2004 NAFTA 2500
Hidee Ho, Fellow Sprinters,
In another post I asked about the function of the vacuum solenoid (boost pressure regulator), specifically whether the gurgling sound mine makes might be responsible for turbo shutdown at speeds over 60 MPH.

I finally removed it and partially disassembled it. I sprayed a bunch of MAF cleaner in all the pipes and, during reassembly, I carefully sealed the caps on both ends with copper gasket maker (supposedly safe for sensors).

Since then I have had NO episodes of LHM, even while driving aggressively at speeds above 70 MPH for extended periods. It's been more than two weeks, so it looks like I've finally exorcised this gremlin. :bounce:

Thoughts, observations, etc.?

Thanks again for this wonderful, helpful forum.



Active member
Yes I have done the same and used a gasket sealant during assembly. I suspect that the vacuum is lost past the seals. LHM was fixed in mine too!



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