Hey, look what's on Ebay!


Sprintering Since Aug/02
Remember Shultz from Hogan's Heroes? :smirk:

My reserve is I want it out of my house before something happens like I buy new headlights so it will fit my van!


New member
I tried mutiple times to acquire this very part! Both from Scott and the crazy he bought it from! Funny to see it on e-bay, ha ha, good luck!


New member
Hey, I check into this forum after a bit of time away and look what nonsense I find!

"Originally Posted by SprntrStkd:
I tried mutiple times to acquire this very part! Both from Scott and the crazy he bought it from! Funny to see it on e-bay, ha ha, good luck!"

Anybody want to explain to me what is up with SprintrStkd?? I know I should just "consider the source" but I'm trying to understand what happened here. I've done nothing to him except remind him earlier that Scott asked first for the grill and would get it! This is certainly not typical of the rest of you guys on this forum and for that I am very grateful. It is very difficult for women to post on mostly male dominated forums and I felt very welcome here until this fellow felt the need to try to prove his manhood. I wish he wouldn't be so insecure!

Scott bought the grill based on what I thought I understood from Nick. It turned out it did not fit. He graciously posted it here and eBay to sell it. I appreciate him helping me out. And it will be a good deal for someone out there in Sprinterland.

Thanks for letting me vent tonight. I feel less upset!:bounce:


This thread has gone from me holding Scott's chihuahua hostage to this???
What gives?

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